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Reboun To Eden

Herbs and Superfoods for Healthy Living and Healing

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Discover the best in holistic herbal medicine with Rebound to Eden – where nature meets healing.

Herbs are God-given gifts that permit us to maintain our natural state of good health: physically,
mentally, and spiritually. Herbs have been used for centuries both as food and medicine. One of the
oldest available records was found in Egypt, known as the Papyrus Ebers, these scrolls date back to the
second century B.C. and describe ailments affecting the Egyptian people. Hippocrates, known as the
father of western medicine, was born in 460 B.C., instructed apprentice physicians to treat all diseases
with one of 49 herbs. Objecting to drugs in any form, he said, “Leave your drugs in the chemist pot, for
your food shall be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

Herbal medicine has been used since the beginning of time. Herbalism one of the oldest and the most
potent medicinal practices is becoming increasingly popular as people become more interested in
natural healing and health. It is used to treat different ailments and improve overall health and
wellbeing. Although our forefathers did not know the chemical makeup of the herbs and plants they
used for food and medicine, they had a deep knowledge and understanding of all the plants that grew in
their environment. The information based on years of experience was passed on from one generation to
the next. Rebound to Eden was established on a mission to educate the world on the healing powers of
Herbs are special due to their numerous medicinal effects. Each herb will have a combination of specific
as well as wide effects on certain physiological systems. Based on experience, a thorough coordination
of herbal properties with the symptoms being treated can address the scope of ailment at once,
resulting in a cure as quickly as possible. Herbal properties are prepared from the leaves, barks, stems,
roots, flowers, and seeds of various medicinal plants.
Today, science research can rationalize why certain herbs can effectively treat some diseases that our
forefathers were oblivious of. The key to this development is identifying the chemical substances known
as phytochemicals and enzymes found in herbs. Some of the phytochemicals are powerful antioxidants
and immune system stimulators that can effectively lower blood cholesterol levels. Enzymes on the
other hand are a natural complement to phytochemicals initiating and enhancing their actions. They are
significant in determining the overall effectiveness of herbal remedies.
The immune system is one of the most important aspects of the human body. It can recognize self from
foreign invader and keep us healthy. The immune system can be broken into three: mucosal immune
system, innate immune system, and adaptive immune system. The mucosal immune system is the
security checkpoint in the body that interacts with the external environment. These checkpoints
function in parallel with the systematic Immune system to protect all the mucosal surfaces on the body
including the skin, mouth, esophagus, gut, respiratory tract, and urogenital tract. The innate immune
system can be likened to the response team. When a foreign substance gets past our mucosal immune
system, and enters our body, the innate system is our response team. The adaptive immune system
develops over time and can be likened to the special forces. T cells make up to 80 to 90 percent of the
special forces while B cells make up 10 to 20 percent. By turning on the adaptive immune system, we
activate our T and B cells to figure out what the pathogen is and give a more directed approach to kill it off.

It is critical for our body to have the ability to prevent a harmful immune response to a detected
foreign substance known as immune tolerance. When the immune system goes muddled there is a
flawed response toward harmless substances or toward us called hypersensitivity. The antigen we are
hypersensitive to will determine the immune response. Autoimmune diseases can develop via three
mechanisms: loss of tolerance, the bystander effect and molecular mimicry. Of these three mechanisms,
the one target we can control and focus on is immune tolerance. This is done by increasing T cells and
the best approach is through herbs and superfoods.
Herbal medicine was unpopular in some societies due to ignorance, lack of understanding and undue
pressure from the religious group and society as herbalism and witchcraft were often associated with
each other. Despite the misconceptions herbal medicines effectively treat psychological and chronic
health problems.
Rebound to Eden is a product of lifetime of using and studying herbs over five decades. It is important to
educate the society that not all herbs or recipes mentioned on the pages of social media are
recommended for use by the layman and that some can be hazardous. It is imperative therefore that
guidance and understanding of herbal medicines are important to ensure that one can utilize them for
all medicinal benefits. Herbs can boost the immune functions without destabilizing how one feels. It
should be noted that even the most potent herbal therapy can have negative side effects when used


prof. Sam Babatunji Ojo

Founder and Principal of Rebound to Eden
Dr Sam Babatunji Ojo who established Rebound to Eden is a professional accountant with a Bachelor of
Science in Accounting, Master of Business Administration in Finance and earned a Doctorate in
Accounting. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Information Systems Auditor, Fellow, American
Academy of Financial Management, Fellow Life Management Institute, and Master Management
Consultant. He is a member of various professional bodies including Information Systems Audit and
Control Association, The International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines,
American Academy of Financial Management, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, National
Association of Enrolled Agents, and American Society of Tax Problem Solvers.
His professional field experience includes work as a Managing Principal of Manna Financial Services,
Accounting Manager for Assurant Group, a Fortis Company, and Financial Reporting Manager for
Earthlink and Prudential. He has managed skilled employees in performing and overseeing accounting
functions and special projects to ensure the accuracy and ethical application of accounting operations.
He is also privileged to have designed and enforced the use of improved accounting practices, policies,
and procedures.
He has progressive experience of leadership and development in accounting and financial fields. He is
also self-motivated and skilled in adapting instruction to meet individual needs, instructing adult
learners, implementing course material, and maintaining cohesive multi-level group dynamics. He has
instructed undergraduate and graduate courses in accounting, business administration and finance
courses in the last ten years.
Rebound to Eden is a product of lifetime of using and studying herbs under the tutelage of his
grandparents of blessed memories Baba Adeleke and Mama Ebunlomo Ajigbotoso who raised him and
of course his late father Baba Oyeniyi Ojo. Herbology is a lifetime interest of Dr. Ojo and has devoted
himself to its study. There’s no doubt that it is calling. His knowledge in herbalism is through research
and most of all through personal experience, information passed on by elders who used herbs over
these years. He could still remember as a child growing with his siblings how his grandparents used get
them herbal medicine first thing in the morning every Saturday on an empty stomach and they were not
allowed to eat anything until they passed some stool. Over the years he has learned that not all herbs or
recipes mentioned on the pages of social media are recommended for use by the layman and that some
can be hazardous and injurious. The world of medicine is concerned about healing the symptoms of the
diseases whereas herbalism focused on their root causes. Rebound to Eden is focused on holistic
healing, herbal medicine, and native herbalism. It should be emphasized that information about herbs
which comes from a laboratory is not as reliable as the one coming from someone who uses them. Our
goal is to help people learn more about natural and native ways of treating various conditions. The long-
term approach and the amazing health benefits of herbal remedies are invaluable.

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